Andy's World is an AI-Powered Minecraft Server created by Insane Logic for the AI educational app - When Schoolhack approached us with this idea of bringing AI agents into minecraft, the vision and mission was so big we thought it might not be possible, but we never say no to a challenge. After building the minecraft server, the MMO adventure survival game - very complex ones, we had the challenge to add the AI agents to the game. Together with the team from and we trained the agents built on the top of OpenAI model on the platform and populated the minecraft server with agents that play minecraft together with the players, the users of - the app helps students of all level learn in a more efficient way, and help schools and teachers monitor how students use AI in education, this way helping using AI in education responsible. The Schoolhack App has 3.3 million users across the ios and android apps. On this project we worked on everything, from creating concepts for the world, characters, to building 3D models, coding the games, building the world, integrating the AI into the game, running researches on different topics, creating reports and analytics.